Ecco, per te, le routine sempiterne di alcuni atleti OST.
Routine che Arnold ha usato nei suoi primi anni e che consigliava ai suoi clienti principianti o intermedi che volevano diventare grossi:
Barbell Squat 4 x 10
Wide Grip Barbell Bench Press 3 x 10
Chin Up 3 x Max
Behind The Neck Overhead Press 4 x 10
Barbell Curl 3 x 10
Bent Knee Sit Up 3-4 x Max
George Eiferman routine (3 volte a settimana):
Hack Squat 3 7-10
Bench Press 3 7-10
Dumbbell Flys 3 7-10
Lateral Raises 3 7-10
Alternate Dumbbell Press 3 7-10
Single Arm Row (Cheat) 3 7-10
Barbell Curl (Cheat) 3 7-10
Dumbbell Concentration Curl 3 7-10
Dumbbell Wrist Curl 3 7-10
Dumbbell Side Bends 3 7-10
Sit Ups 3 8-12
Routine con la quale Bill Pearl vinse il Mr Universo:
Incline Flyes – 5 sets of 6 reps
Bent-Arm Flat Bench Flyes – 5×6
Decline Flyes – 5×6
Seated Behind the Neck Presses – 5×6
Standing Barbell Press – 5×6
Dumbbell Lateral Raises – 5×8
Lying Triceps Extension – 5×8
Triceps Pushdowns – 5×8
Barbell Curls – 5×6
Incline Dumbbell Curls – 5×6
Concentration Curls – 5×6
Situps – 100-200
Alternate Leg Raises – 100-200
Dumbbell Side Bends – 50
Situps – 100-200
Alternate Leg Raises – 100-200
Dumbbell Side Bends – 50
Wide Grip Chins – 5×10
Close Grip Chins – 5×10
Shrugs – 5×10
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts – 5×8
Neck Work
Wrist Curls – 5×20
Reverse Curls – 5×20
Squats – 5×8
Hack Squats – 5×10
Leg Curls – 5×12
Standing Calf Raises – 6×10
Donkey Calf Raises – 6×10
Routine di Larry Scott per gli inermedi da effettuarsi 3 volte a settimana (iniziare con 3 serie fino ad arrivare a effettuarne 6):
Bench presses to neck – 6 sets of 6to 8 reps.
Barbell squats – 6 x 8.
Calf raises – 6 x 15-20.
Behind the neck presses – 6 x 6-8.
Front pulldowns – 6 x 8-10.
Lying barbell triceps extensions – 6 x 8.
Preacher bench curls – 6 x 8.
Bent-leg knee raises – 1 x 100-150.
Doug Hepburn Power Training
Bench Press 1 x 3; 7 x 2
Curls 1 x 3; 7 x 2
Overhead Press 1 x 3; 7 x 2
Squats 6 sets of 6,5,4,4,4,3 reps
Rows 6 sets of 6,5,4,4,4,3 reps
Deadlifts 6 sets of 6,5,4,4,4,3 reps
Doug Hepburn Power Training Part 2
Squats 5 x 5
Deadlifts 5 x 5
Bench Press 5 x 5
Overhead Press 5 x 5
Curls 5 x 5
Altra scheda. Stand on Your Feet Workout
(This is a real old-school workout. Every exercise you do will be standing. No sitting or lying down on the job)
Deadlifts or Squats 3 x 3
Dips 5 x 5
Overhead Press 5 x 5
Power Cleans 5 x 5
Intermediate Mass Program
(This is a mass program designed by legendary Iron Man Magazine writer and bodybuilder Anthony Ditillo):
Monday & Friday
Overhead Press 5 x 5
Bentover Rows 5 x 10
Barbell Curls 3 x 10
French Press 3 x 10
Half Squats 5 x 10
Dips 5 x Failure
Chins 5 x Failure
Squats 2 x 20 (Breathing Style)
Deadlifts 2 x 10
Leg & Back Bulking Routine
(This is a mass program designed by legendary Iron Man Magazine writer and bodybuilder Anthony Ditillo)
Monday & Friday
Squat 1×10; 4xFailure
Bent Over Row 1×10; 3xFailure
Deadlift 1×10; 2xFailure
Bench Press 5×5
Seated Press 5×5
Barbell Curls 5×5
Mini-Routine for Bulk
(Here is another mass program designed by legendary Iron Man Magazine writer and bodybuilder Anthony Ditillo. Start out at three days per week, if too much, drop down to two days.)
Squats 5 x 12, 5, 5, 5, 8
Clean and Press 4 x 8, 6, 4, 2
Bent Arm Pullovers 4 x 12, 6, 6, 8
Mark Berry Early Workout
Mark Berry fu un allenatore di sollevamento pesi della squadra olimpica americana dal 1932 al 1936. Inventò l’allenamento definito: Squat e Latte (cioé fai tanto squat e bevi tanto latte!):
Barbell Curls 2 x 10
Rows 2 x 10
Overhead Press 2 x 10
Shoulder Shrugs 2 x 15
Bent Press 2 x 10
Dips 2 x 10
Kettlebell Swings 2 x 20 (each hand)
Squats 1 x 20 (breathing)
Pullovers 1 x 20
Leg Raises 2 x 15
Mark Berry Abbreviated Program
Overhead Press 2 x 10
Bent-Over Rows 2 x 10
Bench Press 2 x 10
Squats 1 x 20 (breathing) Rest for 10 minutes then:
Deadlifts 1 x 20 (breathing)
P.S.: Ne vuoi conoscere di altre ancor più vincenti? Le trovi qui:
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